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Angeli, Esseri di Luce

La parola "angelo" deriva dal latino angelus e ha origine dal termine greco ἄγγελος (pronunciato: ánghelos), che significa "messaggero", "servitore".
L'angelo è quindi considerato il messaggero divino.

Angeli, Esseri di Luce

"Wikipedia says: In many religious traditions, an angel is a spiritual being who assists and serves God or is at man's service along the path of his spiritual progress and earthly existence.
In the 5th AD. A.D., Dionysius the Aeropagite, in his 'De Coelesti hierarchia', tells us about angels and their division into three hierarchies, each of which is subdivided into three orders. In the second half of the 1200s, Thomas Aquinas followed Dionysius' Hierarchia in dividing the angels (three hierarchies, each of which in turn contains three orders)
Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones; - Dominations, Virtues and Powers; - Principalities, Archangels and Angels.
In the first triad of angels:
Seraphim are the angels of the higher order and are pure light.
The Cherubim are the angels of the second order and are pure love.
The Thrones are the bridge between the material world and the spiritual realm and are the equity and justice of God.
In the second triad of angels:
The Dominations are the highest of this triad and are the supervisors and coordinators of the angels according to God's will.
The Virtues, on the other hand, are angels who preside over the order of the physical universe and oversee the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets and Earth.
The Powers are warrior angels that purge the universe of inferior energy.
In the third triad of angels:
The Principalities watch over the nations and cities of the planet.
The Archangels are the overseers of humanity and each of them has a speciality that represents an aspect of God.
The Guardian Angels, on the other hand, are the angels who are at our side throughout our lives.

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